Elevate yourself and the world will follow

“Today is the day I am going to try to be a better person than I was yesterday.” Make this your daily morning mantra. Right after- “I am a beautiful, independent and strong woman.”

To the women all around the world who are fighting for equal respect and status in the society, a little advice- start with yourself. Because the only person we can actually control/change is us, ourselves. So, start small. Such as-

Be you and believe in yourself

Be financially self-dependent

Be open, straightforward but less brutal

Stand your ground with logic/facts

Be practical but kind and generous

Be passionate and dedicated towards your career

Learn how to calm yourself down

Stop meddling in other people’s businesses

Remember what goes around, comes around

Respect is earned with perseverance and not gifted

Lastly, I would like to say- check out the “quotes” page for motivation. Just kidding. Stay positive in life because when you are beaming with positivity, everything and everyone around you catches the spark and lightens up. Besides, things that come easy are taken for granted. So, work hard and demand respect because this is something worth fighting for. And remember, never give in or give up and always keep moving forward.

#Just a teeny, tiny advice- leave all the malice behind and never look back.

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